Among the best ways of using essential oils is by dispersing them with a diffuser. It’s also the easiest method; all a user needs to do is put some water into the reservoir, add a few drops of their favourite essential oils and voila! Within a few minutes, they will begin to enjoy the benefits of aromatherapy.
This device breaks down the essential oils molecules, allowing their aroma to be dispersed into the atmosphere. Diffusers offer a great way of purifying the indoor environment while also stimulating relaxation. Diffusing essential oils like lavender can also help to keep flu and colds at bay and encouraging a restful night.
Table Of Content
How to Clean an Essential Oil Diffuser
Troubleshoot Common Diffuser Issues
While diffusers require minimal maintenance, they ought to be cleaned at least once or twice a month lest they malfunction or begin to emit unpleasant smells. The primary reason behind the need for cleaning these devices isn’t that obvious though.
While most surface and items in a home can quickly turn into breeding grounds for bacteria, mold, and viruses if not cleaned frequently, this is not the case with diffusers. This is because essential oils contain antifungal and antimicrobial properties that prevent the growth of harmful microorganisms.
RELATED: Mold is an issue in a Diffuser, Learn more about preventing & clean it.
So, what’s the need to clean them? Essential oils, especially those that are highly viscous such as vetiver and patchouli leave behind residues that can gum up the diffusers and thus affect their functionality. They can also affect the aroma of the subsequent essential oils diffused with the same device.
For instance, if a user is seeking the relaxing effects of lavender after a long day at work, the remnants of the previously used essential oil can mix with the new aroma thus altering its quality. This will make it difficult for the user to gain the full benefits of the essence. It’s also important to clean the device as the oils can make it look grimy and gross.
Symptoms of a Dirty Diffuser
A standard diffuser comes with a reservoir, which is tasked with holding the mixture of water and essential oil. This reservoir is also comprised of a lid that covers its top side. When used on a regular basis, users may notice the reservoir changing colour and beginning to look dingy. This is due to the build-up of water and oil residues. An excessively dirty diffuser may also fail to release as much mist as it used to or become louder. These signs indicate that it’s time for a good cleaning.
However, it’s important to remember that a diffuser shouldn’t be submerged in water. This is because its base host’s mechanical components such as the motor and circuit board, which should be protected from dampness even when the diffuser needs a thorough clean-up.
How to Clean an Essential Oil Diffuser
Before embarking on any clean-up procedure, users should go through the manual to ensure that they comply with the manufacturer’s guidelines lest they damage the device. There are two methods employed when cleaning in diffusers.
These include regular cleaning that’s conducted after each use and a more detailed clean-up that occurs sporadically. The various steps for each method are as follows.
Cleaning the Diffuser After Each Use:
The first step when cleaning a diffuser is unplugging it from the power source and emptying the remaining water into a sink. For this purpose, the cleaner should pour the liquid from the opposite side of the area in which the buttons and air vents are located. The vent is tasked with supplying air to the electrical components of the device thus it should be protected at all costs. Some diffusers come with a pouring spout, which makes the process easier and safer by preventing accidental spillage on the buttons and motor area. This step involves cleaning the inner and outer parts of the diffuser with a damp cloth. The cloth helps to remove oil residuals, stains, and fingerprints from the device. If the user deems it fit, they may add a small amount of natural dish washing detergent onto the cloth (you can also use q tips), but they should remember to wipe the device with plain water afterward. As a precaution, harsh cleaning products such as those containing chlorine shouldn’t be used as they can damage the device. In this step, the user should dip a cotton swab in rubbing alcohol and use it to clean the nooks and crannies of their device. If they are using the ultrasonic diffuser, they should ensure to clean the sensor. The ultrasonic sensor is located inside the water basin and those who cannot locate it should refer to the manual. Using a soft, dry cloth, one should finish the cleaning process by wiping off any moisture from their diffuser. After this step, the diffuser should be free of any unwanted smells and oil residues. This step also prevents the diffuser from becoming stained by water. This level of cleaning prevents the mix up of essential oils and ensure that aromatherapy enthusiast gets the best out of their favourite essential oils.
Deep Cleaning the Diffuser
Deep cleaning a diffuser ought to be done every two weeks or once a month, depending on how often it’s been used. This level of cleaning highly recommended as diffusers tend to lose their efficiency when dirty. Users should keep in mind that thick build-up of essential oil residuals can completely damage any device and the state of the art gadgets are not spared either. Below are critical steps for deep cleaning essential oil diffusers. First of all, the remaining water should be moved from the device into the sink. Subsequently, the device should be filled halfway with clean, normal temperature tap water. The user should ensure that the water is below the maximum level before moving to the next step. The next step involves adding about 10 drops of pure white vinegar into the water, you can use alternative organic products that are discussed here. Vinegar helps in breaking down the accumulated oil residuals that are stuck inside the device. It also functions as a disinfectant and stain remover. Vinegar is sufficiently strong to deep clean the diffuser thus there’s no need to use cleaning chemicals. The device should be subsequently plugged into a power source and allowed to run for 5 to 10 minutes, which allows the combination of vinegar and water to circulate throughout the device thus making it fresh again. After running it for the recommended minutes, the diffuser should be unplugged from the power source and the remaining water poured out of the reservoir carefully. While at it, the importance of ensuring that the water doesn’t get to the buttons and motor area cannot be overstated. All the nooks and crannies should be cleaned using a cotton swab dipped into white vinegar. This includes the ultrasonic sensor; failure to clean it might affect the proper functioning of the device. The cotton swab is essential for this clean-up as it gives a person more precision when cleaning tight spots. It also helps to remove deeply embedded oil residues. In this last step, the cleaner needs to use a damp cloth to wipe down both the interior and exterior parts of the diffuser. This helps to get rid of stuck smudges and undesirable fingerprints from the device. Subsequently, the damp cloth ought to be replaced with a dry, soft fabric and the wiping process should be repeated. This last step leaves the device with a clean, lustrous finish. Cleaning an essential oil diffuser might appear like a lot of work but is always worth the effort. Doing this after every use helps to prevent the oils from mixing and producing undesirable results. Deep cleaning, on the other hand, prevents the device from serious defects that might otherwise be caused by oil residues.
Troubleshooting Diffusers
Aromatherapy enthusiasts appreciate the changes made by their diffusers in their homes or offices a great deal. It’s, therefore, not surprising to meet someone who uses these devices on a daily basis. However, normal wear and tear coupled with common mistakes when operating these devices might cause them to malfunction.
While diffusers come in different makes and models, they all have a common purpose of dispersing essential oils into the atmosphere. They also have different working mechanisms, but they often experience similar problems.
Luckily, most of these issues can be solved easily as explained below.
A Diffuser that Doesn’t Work at All
This problem is often caused by a faulty power cable or loss adapter connection, which should be replaced. But It may also result from insufficient water in the reservoir.
A more serious version of the issue is experienced when the water finds its way to the device’s electrical components. This happens when the device is overfilled with water and subsequently moved or jolted, which causes the water to overflow.
Water can also reach into the electrical components when the lid is removed while the device is operating. This causes the water to drip downwards to the air vent. The dripping water may also accumulate under the device from which it’s sucked up by the fan and ends up in the motor area. Dampness causes short-circuiting of the electrical components and thus damaging the device.
When this happens, the device should be unplugged from the power source, cleaned and left to dry for a day or two. While the water might evaporate within a few hours, the oils will require more time to dry out. Ideally, users can accelerate the drying process by using a blower. After drying, the device can be carefully filled with water and tested.
If they don’t work, one can have the components replaced or they could simply buy a new diffuser.
Let’s take a look at some common issues that makes diffuser nonfunctional.
Little or No Diffusion
This problem can result from several issues and to troubleshoot them, users should check the following. They should check to see if the mist power is set high. If not, increasing the mist settings might correct the issue. The problem could be caused by excessive or too little water in the reservoir. As such, people should always ensure that their device has the appropriate water levels. While at it, they should also ensure that the water sensors aren’t blocked. A significant number of diffusers absorb air from the bottom. Thus, users should ensure that this area isn’t obstructed by any clothes or towels. Ideally, they should place their devices on hard surfaces such as tables or desks. If these issues are corrected and the vapour levels don’t change, then the fans might have stopped working. These little components are tasked with compelling the vapours out of the diffuser to the atmosphere. Therefore, the vapours will just sit there when the fans stop working. Fans will often malfunction if they are blocked by such things as hair, fur, strings from fabrics or dried essential oils. These items should, therefore, be removed. Given that they are always spinning, fans are usually the first components to break down in an essential oil diffuser. They may also fail to spin if their motor is faulty, in which case it should be replaced. These components are also tasked with cooling off the circuit board or LED lights if any; users will, therefore, want to refrain from running the devices when the fans aren’t spinning. This problem mostly occurs when the diffuser has been fed with too much water. To solve this issue, the device should be unplugged from the power source, emptied and allowed to cool for a few minutes. Subsequently, the diffuser should be refilled to the recommended level and restarted. If it doesn’t restart, the chances are that it’s damaged thus requiring professional repair. This issue may also occur when the fan vent is blocked. Even when the water levels are at their recommended levels, users should ensure that there are no towels or cloths placed below the diffuser. They also need to check to see if there are fur or hair pieces stuck in the fan blades and remove them if any. When the diffuser is plugged into the power outlet and the light indicators flash yet the device doesn’t start, there could be a detected fault. In this case, the user should unplug the diffuser, empty its contents and allow it to cool for a few moments. Subsequently, they should attempt restarting the device. If it doesn’t work, they will need to call a professional technician to execute some assessment and repair.
The Bottom Line
Diffusers offer an excellent way of using essential oils aromatically. Although they are relatively maintenance free, users need to give them a good cleaning once in a while. Luckily, this task isn’t difficult and once a user gets the hang of it, it becomes a walk in the park.
Cleaning a diffuser is extremely important as it helps to maintain its optimal performance. It also helps in removing oil residuals that cause the emission of unpleasant smells when the next essential oil is being diffused. Users also need to read their manuals to know how to efficiently clean their devices.
It’s also imperative to learn how to troubleshoot the various issues that a diffuser might develop. Timely recognition of these problems allows the user sufficient time to correct them before they suffer major inconveniences when the device malfunctions completely. If left unattended, trivial issues might escalate into major problems, requiring expensive repairs or even a replacement of the entire unit.
If your device is experiencing some hiccups, give the above solutions a try to keep enjoying optimal benefits from your favorite essences.
Jun 26, 2019 – Modified layout
July 20, 2019 – Modified layout, added table of content
July 29, 2019 –Added link to related article for mold cleaning
My diffuser produces droplets with the mist and it’s impossible to use it since it is putting water everywhere… I tried to deep cleanse it a few times with white vinegar. It didn not help. Any idea?
Hi Carole,
I had replied to you directly via email. However, for everyone else. I am posting it here.
If your diffuser is creating droplets that means vibrator is not doing enough pulsing or design of your vibrator was poor. It might be ideal for you to purchase a new one.
Sorry couldn’t help you more.
Also, I have tested many diffusers, I would recommend you buy this one as it would last a long time.
I had washed it out and refilled it and I had accidentally spilt water into the bottom of the diffuser. I don’t know if it’ll mess it up if i turn it on. Will it damage the diffuser?
To be safe, let it dry out. Not sure without seeing where water may have entered.